Thursday, April 17, 2014

30 Second Blog is moving!!!

Its finally come!! The website is up and going! Check it out for more posts: Yay!! I'm so excited. Please check it out :)

As always, thank you so much for your love and support! It means the world to me :)


Saturday, February 1, 2014

We're Moving!!!

Hello Readers!

I am taking this blog to a whole new level! This month I am going to rebuild it into something even more awesome :) Yay! So stay tuned! New website is on its way!!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2014: Falling off the Hamster Wheel

I have a lot of fun making goals. Few of these goals ever seem to be accomplished, but still enjoy dreaming and making them. For many years I had a deep fear of being present, of being actively here in the now. Why?

Well, because, my “now” is radically uninspiring.

Not that I am complaining, it is just the simple truth. I am not at my dream job or even in a challenging or well paid one.  I am not in the best shape of my life. My present is well… just not where I want it to be right now. That is where the challenge lies in staying present. It is so much easier to wish and dream about the wonders of tomorrow instead of firmly planting my feet in the today and working on making those dreams come true for the real tomorrow.

I am sick of having the same goals over and over again. Time to hop off the hamster wheel and into my working shoes!

This is my 30 seconds.

My real 30 seconds of cold, hard, here and now.

How do I make this the best year of my life? By accepting the place I am holding in the here and now and letting the hurt and shame go. I forgive myself for the years of inaction. It is ok. It happens. I am blessed with the energy and the drive to make a real difference in my life today. You are my witness! I, Angelina, commit to taking action. Real action to move towards my dream every day. I promise to do what makes me come alive.  I, Angelina Spence, promise to make this the best, most inspiring and worthwhile year yet!

Happy New Year!