Sunday, December 1, 2013

December One: “Blue Christmas”

Today I found myself staring in utter disbelief at the calender. I couldn't believe it was already December. What sick joke is this? Where did my year go?? What was my New Year's Resolution again?

I've been a little blue this holiday season. Bored. And Uninspired. I know in my heart that only I can make me un-bored or un-uninspired (mouthful!), but I just seem to do the same things over and over again anyways.

No thanks, Hot Lips. I got this.
Today I have decided to take my 30 seconds
to Commit myself to becoming an inspired person.
I will be a person who Does What makes her
Come alive

I am Awake. I am Alive. I am Inspired, dang it!

I have gotten a bit lazy with the things that really matter in my life and let myself get bored. I sit down to write and then, magically, three episodes of Fringe later, it's time for bed. Then, I complain about not having time to do things that make me happy (though, admittedly that is a good show...). How does that math add up? I have been doing things that have been lulling myself into the doldrums. Well, no more, missy.

No need to wait for a magic kiss, I am snapping out of this waking slummer on my own, I do declare!